what we do
We provide you with a way to support excellence in our schools on a tax-deductible basis. You can do this by making direct contributions, memorials or gifts. We will use the contributions for scholarships and special projects over and above thosenormally included in the school budget.
Who We are
The Board of Trustees is made up of forty parents, residents, educators and community leaders who volunteer their time and knowledge.
Why We Are Needed
With pressure growing to increase academic quality but not to increase taxes, we supplement existing programs and services in the schools and provide scholarships through your generous gifts.
What We Accomplish
Each year, the Egg Harbor Township Education Foundation awards many thousands of dollars in scholarships to community-minded graduating seniors.
As of 2024 we have given scholarships totaling $417,000!
The Foundation provides staff mini-grants for innovative educational projects which benefit students at every grade level.
$300,000 worth of mini-grants have been awarded thus far!
The Education Foundation works together with the community and businesses to raise thousands of dollars for our district students through our Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament, employee payroll deduction plan, various fund raisers and very generous individual and corporate donations and memorials.
As of 2024 we have given scholarships totaling $417,000!
The Foundation provides staff mini-grants for innovative educational projects which benefit students at every grade level.
$300,000 worth of mini-grants have been awarded thus far!
The Education Foundation works together with the community and businesses to raise thousands of dollars for our district students through our Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament, employee payroll deduction plan, various fund raisers and very generous individual and corporate donations and memorials.